Improve Traffic Safety by Addressing Speeding and Inefficient Traffic Signals

Created by: Emily Vasquez CA
Open Public Safety

Redlands residents have raised concerns about excessive speeding in residential areas and inefficient traffic signals causing unnecessary delays. Poorly timed signals contribute to congestion, frustration, and unsafe driving behaviors, while speeding increases the risk of accidents and pedestrian injuries.


The city should conduct a traffic study to identify problem areas and implement adjustments, such as optimizing traffic signal timing, adding speed feedback signs, and considering additional stop signs or speed bumps in high-risk zones. Community input can help prioritize areas needing immediate attention.


- Reduced traffic congestion with improved signal timing.
- Safer streets by discouraging speeding in residential and school zones.
- More efficient commutes with better-managed traffic flow.

Acceptance Criteria

- A traffic study is commissioned and completed within six months.
- At least three high-priority intersections receive traffic signal timing adjustments within the first phase.
- Speed mitigation measures (e.g., feedback signs, additional signage) are implemented in at least two problem areas within a year.

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Comments & Discussions

3w ago

like where? what intersections

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