Nikolay Figurin Admin


Engagement Score: 17 Joined February 2025

Submitted Action Items


A cost estimate for refurbishment would be necessary, as well as a plan to get businesses back in. The location is prime and many local businesses have said they would’ve loved a spot in there. An anchor could be found and agreed with at reduced costs if the city is willing to waive (not subsidize, though that’s up to discussion) many costs. I’m certain many residents and local business owners would be willing to allocate time and resources to aid in this.

0% 1mo 2 Infrastructure By: Nikolay Figurin Admin CA

Repave the roads so they aren't as bumpy and full of potholes. This is just a test post, however. You're one of the first to see this! Nice!

20% 1mo 6 Infrastructure By: Nikolay Figurin Admin CA

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on "Fix the Potholes in the North Side of Redlands" • 1 month ago
on "Fix the Potholes in the North Side of Redlands" • 1 month ago